Kingston Jan 28th 1916 [1917]
Dear Mother:
Your letter was received during the week also the Mercury's and the book. Many thanks. Glad to hear the concert came off so well. Had a letter from Bell this week but there was not very much news in it except that Lizzie had finished her term.
We have had a busy week of it up early every morning about 5.30 and never get through at nights until about 6.15 with only an hour at noon. We get two lectures and sometimes three a day of one hour each and the rest of the time is spent in drilling. I had my Foot Drill Exam, and also Knotting & Lashing Exam during the week and I think I got along alright on both of them. Ammunition is our hardest subject and an Exam on it comes off a week from tomorrow. Anyone who fails on it will likely be sent home, so you may see me about that time if I do not pass. We have a mounted parade tomorrow morning from 8.30 to 12.00 with the guns. Also have Rifle drill from 6.15 to 7.00 before Breakfast. We will also have our Exam on Section Gun Drill this week we expect. It is rather bard but I think I will get through it alright.
Our meals here are poor and they are not getting any better. Have hash almost every day and the meat it is made of is so poor we cannot eat it. Over half of it is thrown away.
The weather has been cold all week and it has not been very nice drilling outside. Have been in the riding school several days and was thrown off a bad horse I had one day. They are mostly fairly good. Have over 300 horses altogether.
Well this is about all the news today. Will be pleased to receive some papers.
Love to all