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Date: November 12th 1918
William McLellan

East Sandling

Dear People:

Three rousing British cheers! La guerre finis! You know I've been almost nuts for two days now & so has every body else. This is only going to be a note because its impossible for me to sit still long enough to write a decent letter. But the thoughts of being absolutely through with France & of being back in Edmonton before the winter is over is almost enough to account for anything in the way of celebration. The people in London were wild yesterday. Several fellows went up last night & have been telling us abou tit ever since - Spriggie & I went to the theatre in Folkestone & it was a regular farce. People were climbing on the stage & everybody was yelling & waving flags. I can hardly speak today & I tho't I was keeping real quiet.

I've been trying to dope it out to see when we aught to get back but its hard to say. It all depend on how things are carried out in Germany. We won't know that until the middle of Decembre so I've decided to stick it here with the RAF until then. Of course if anything turns up that I can make it quicker by going back to the Res - well they won't see my heels for dust. Several fellows say to stay & get your commission & then get your discharge but I'm perfectly willing to go back as a buck private if it gets me home a day sooner. Take it from me I'm not going to wait to learn to fly - all the flying I'll do will be to catch the train out west from Halifax. If there's any possible way of getting on the fist boat going back towards Canada - beleive me I'll be right there. The only drawback is that I'm still in the army - otherwise I'd start right now & swim across.

Wish I could make it for Xmas but its impossible but just the same its going to be a mighty Happy Xmas for me for we aught to be counting the days then.

Spriggie had a letter from his aunt in London today & she was mailing me some Canadian letters. They will be here tomorrow & there's sure to be some form home. Do you know I've never been so happy in my young life as I am right now - I'll be there's some happy boys in France too Swinny is still OK as far as I know altho' the Canuck's took Mons yesterday & it was most likely the 3rd Division.

Am leaving here Friday for the school of Aeronautics at either Denham, Oxford or Reading. Will write as soon as we get there.

Love to Every body & get a suit of civvies ready for me.

Sincerely Bill

Had a letter from Peener today - He's O.K. & in a seventh heave.