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Date: March 11th 1916
George Leslie

Toronto, Mar. 11, 1916

Dear Cath:

Once more I take my pen in had etc. Say, talk about your rotten weather - we've been ploughing through snow and slush for the last ten days and there seems to be no sign of it letting up. It snows all night and thaws all day and believe me it's pleasant to go on a 5-mile route march after tramping around in water up to our ankles all day long. But then "we should worry" - spring will be here in about 10 days so the snow won't be flying much longer.

And, by the way, before I forget, let me request that if you have any more news of a nature such as that set forth in par. 3 page 2 of your last missive, make it short & to the point. I thought your dad had really decided to move at first and began to wonder how much time would be necessary for obtaining those snaps; then on reading a little further I saw that you are going to live on Willey's place. Pshaw! I don't call that moving, its merely transfering. You likely remember having sprung that joke on me once before but you know - 3 times & out. But without any joking I'm tickled to death for I have been dreaming of fresh eggs & sweet milk ever since reading your letter. You won't be particularly anxious to see me after I make my 1st call at your new home. Oh! I'll be out to see you - I've been that far before an you may lay to that. But gee! I can't help laughing everytime I think of you out feeding the chickens at 4 A.M.

Upon my word, Cath what you saw about M.J. seems too good to be true. So you really think he will leave? Things must be in pretty bad shape, but I believe there's only the one way to remedy the case. And how about those repairs? If they can't raise money I don't see how they can improve the appearance of the church. I noticed in one of the R. papers some time ago that some lady (you know whom I mean likely) had left the church some money for that purpose. Have they made any use of it yet?

I met Amie Maclean on a car as I was going to church last Sunday morning and we went to hear Mr. Dunn together. He gave a good sermon (as per usual) & after service we had a little talk (also as per usual). During the intimations, he spoke about the big prohibition parade to take place on the 8th inst. and wanted everyone to be out and make it a success. But it wasn't much of a success as later events proved. I suppose you saw an account of it in Thursday's paper but the papers put it mildly. Lawrence & I weren't engaged in the row although I regret to say that there were a number of 134th men who were conspicuous. But I can say that the Highlanders were small in number in comparison with the bunch from other battalions. Lawrence & I were standing in front of the armouries where the flight was hottest and saw it all. There was a mob of about 3000 I guess - mostly soldiers - who just simply went crazy. There were sticks & stones & pieces of ice flying like hail. The mounted police charged the crowd but they were mobbed and had to get away. For about 2 hours not a thing could be done to restore order. Men were dragged out of the procession and taken to the armouries and the soldiers tried to make them enlist. Believe me you have no idea of what a wild time they really had. The next day Gen. Logie ordered a strict enquiry into the matter and every battalion got a good stiff calling from it's C.O. but nothing more was done or is likely to be done about it. You see there were so many in it they couldn't pick out the offenders, the police couldn't arrest any so what could they do. They couldn't punish the whole battalion for the majority of most of them were merely spectators. It think the largest number engaged in the fight were of the mechanical transports and the Queens Own Rifles.

Lawrence & I are going out to Coyne's for tea & a game of Lost Heir tonight. We are sure in for a good time.

Well, once more, - we were vaccinated yesterday and inoculated this morning and pulled through O.K. and you won't hear any more about this pleasant subject for we've now had our last dose. (Hear, hear)

I believe I told you we would be quartered in the Old Gen. Hospital as soon as the 92nd move out. Well I now hear on definite authority that we will be quartered at Exhibition camp until we leave the city in the spring for Niagara or Valcartier or wherever else they intend taking us. I guess we will move into barracks before long now.

I wish Ine would hurry up with those pictures. I've been watchfully waiting these three long weeks and still they ain't arrived. If you see her tonight (you'll be at Guild I expect the night following the day you get this epistle) tell her to hurry them down here or I'll go down there and make it mighty disagreeable for someone who lives at 45 Victoria Ave.

Well so long,
