R-208467 L.A.C. MOORE, J.L.
#4436 S.E.
Oct. 16/45
Dear Mom & Dad,
I received your letter of the tenth today and was very glad to hear from you. A letter from Aunties and a post card from cousin Bea yesterday were the first I'd received since coming to this station. Glad to hear you got that post card from France. I sort of doubted that it would reach you, considering conditions in Istres, for I didn't think the postal system [was] very good. Thanks for Jim's address. Has he got his release yet? I am due for a 48 this weekend but it might turn out to be 9 days leave if a string we pulled was attached to the right desk in the orderly room. I will spend it L'pool, but I might run over and see Aunt Mollie. She asked me to bring Marg over sometime but I'll see when I get up there. Things did not seem to be quite right between us. We don't seem to be the same two people who met last year, but then, we are a little older and we've never had more than a day or so together at a time so maybe things will improve. I'm glad to hear about Harold and Dorothy. So Ken Fletcher got hooked by an English girl, eh? I'm surprised to hear about Sylvia MacDonald too. I had a nice letter from Colin, from his camp. I also had one from Cliff, from his camp in Alabama. Has winter started around home yet? The nights are terribly cold, damp and foggy here but every day has been hot and bright so far. I've only seen 3 rainy days since my return. One here, one in Bournemouth, and one in B'pool & Bolton. I'll have to turn in now. Goodnight.
Your loving son,